Cruck Frame Cabin

For sale timber frame cabin. Designed by Timber Framer and Carpenter from Idaho Collin Beggs. Based on English Medieval cruck frame construction. Built during our summer timber framing class with our carpentry students. Size is 12x16 feet. Built from pine and white oak using logs we have felled this winter based on old carpenters calendar when is the best time to fell the trees for construction. All built with hand tools and traditional wood joinery that has proven it's strength during many hundreds of years. Shipping expenses depends on the location where we need to deliver it. Frame includes - all main construction parts - posts, rafters, plates, braces and floor joists. Before delivery frame will be brushed and cleaned and will have nice rustic look. We can also finish the frame with windows doors, insulation, siding and roof. Can be assembled without using a crane.
Width: 12' (3.65 meters)
Length: 16' (4.87 meters)
Height: 16' 5/16"
Wall plates, ridge, posts: 8" x 8"
Rafters: 5" x 5"
Sills: 8" x 7"
$6750 / £5670 / €6413